First and formost, let me tell you why I want to kill Lucas - He got to meet Alan Tudyk and Jewel Staite.
I can't explain how jealous I am. Years ago, I was just getting into Sci/Fi and all things geeky when I discovered Firefly and it really got the ball rolling for me. So to see these two in person? Wow... Really though, it's probably for the best. If I had met Wash and Kaley, I think I would first fainted gracefully into Alan's arms then tried to harvest both their skin cells (so I could clone them and film "Baby Firefly"...duh) and be taken down by security and then spending all my time in prison instead of DCC. I mean, I'm not even up to date on my Hepatitis vaccines so we all know that wouldn't end well...
Lucas attended Alan's panel as well and he was, of course, charming and hilarious. He was signing random items from his hotel room and handing them out. Wouldn't you die to have a shower cap signed by Wash? He also talked about his new series, "Con Man", which you should watch the trailer for below! I'm sold.
Lucas was also loving the cosplay. (I can tell because he took over 3000 photos.) Everyone was feeling the spirit with everything from very intricate and professional costumes to simple, home-made costumes to just a fan t-shirt. A general air of positivity and fun could be felt.
Something we both love about DCC is the fact that it's run by a non-profit, Pop Culture Classroom.
"Educating children and the general public through comic books and other forms of pop culture, and bringing together the diverse people and interests of our community regardless of age, race, gender or background."
Lucas, usually a pretty laid back guy, was really excited about this, telling me, "It's a program that I can see really working and one that, in all honesty, I can see myself supporting next year by getting passes for DCC."
I was pretty bummed to miss it this year. Next time, I promise not to be stuck in a foreign country being pumped with antibiotics with their labels in German. (Note to self: learn more German medical terms, just in case.) Comic Con sounds much more fun than hospital food.
Big thanks to Lucas Koike for pulling double duty: reporting and photographing this event. You rock!